A special thanks

There have been so many teachers that have inspired me to become who I am. Below is a list of those teachers and educators that helped me get to where I am today.

Ms. Charlie Ball-Burrell

Mrs. Patricia Kincade

Mrs. Paula Mounce

Mr. Chris Bush

Mrs. E. Nicole Johnson

Mr. Duran Johnson

Dr. Arleen Dowd

Dr. Kyra Kendrick

Ms. Delicia Carter

Mr. Caleb Carter

Mrs. Chandra Expose

Mrs. Christina Walker

Ms. Victoria Johnson

Ms. Nyah Coleman

Dr. Samantha Strachan

Dr. Salam Khan

Mr. Willie Diggs

Ms. Marylan Brazelton

Dr. Jessica Temple

Mrs. Debra Karahalis

Dr. Jennifer Saxon

Mrs. Sarah Robinson

Mrs. Emily Maples

Mr. Joe Sabatier

Dr. Kimberly Glenn

Mrs. Michelle Rudd-Toles

Ms. Diamond Melton

Mr. Kourtney Tabb

Ms. Annie McBride

Names that are bolded are friends that became teachers with me.

Mrs. Meighan Lewis

Ms. Tia Hampton

Mrs. Linda Skeete-McCellan

Mrs. Janet Jones

Mr. Charles Webb

Ms. Ashley Pauldan

Mr. Nate Pahman

Mrs. Tilary Curry

Mrs. Lory Schieler

Ms. Michelle Breeden

Mrs. Krista Himes

Mrs. Sharon Acoff-Sledge

Mrs. Pam Taylor

Mr. Brandon Watts

Thank you all for your contributions to education, and your relentless efforts to educate those that come after you.